Tartiflette - Our Autumn/Winter guilty pleasure

Tartiflette has long been a favourite with TG Ski guests over the years. We asked one of our regular summit chefs Freddie Sheen (Galvin La Chapelle, Andre Garret @ Cliveden House) for his spin on this classic Alpine main. We love how the rich and cheesy sauce combines beautifully with the crispy roasted potatoes.

It’s rich and tasty for refuelling after a long day on the slopes but we think it makes a perfect autumn treat to look forward to at the end of a busy day. Served with a crisp green salad and a fruity young red wine from the Rhone or Languedoc.

Tartiflette - serves 4

250g smoked bacon lardons

4 white onions sliced

150ml dry white wine

200ml double cream

1.5k waxy potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped

Butter 50g

400g reblochon cheese, sliced into 5mm slices


Cook the bacon lardons in a large pan in a good amount of oil over a high heat until golden brown and crispy, add a nob of butter followed by the sliced onions, cook the onions until very soft and slightly caramelised.

Deglaze the pan with the white wine and reduce almost entirely. Add the cream and bring to a simmer, cook gently for 8 mins. Turn the heat off.

Boil the potatoes for 6-8, then blanch in cold water until just cooled then roast in a hot oven until golden with a good amount of butter.

Place potatoes in an oven proof dish cover with the creamy sauce then cover entirely with sliced cheese. Bake at 200C until cheese is starting to crisp and is all melted! Leave to stand for 5 minutes before serving. 

Enjoy!…. Depending on how much you like your guests you can let them scrape the cheesy remains from the dish or save it for chefs privilege.