Ski Schools in Meribel


There are a number of excellent ski schools that operate in Meribel and the Three Valleys, which we have great relationship with. We are happy to share our recommendations for the best ski school to use based largely on the feedback from our guests. As ski schools can get booked up well in advance we suggest organising these as soon as you book your holiday. The service we provide is not for profit, but to ensure that you make the booking with as little stress as possible and find the right solution for you. Please consult with one of our experienced team with your requirements, for them to advise you on the best options for you and your group.

Whether you are just starting out with skiing or snowboarding or have been skiing for years, we can all do with some pointers or have picked up bad habits. There are a number of variables to consider before booking your ski lessons:

- Ski experience or ability - It may be your very first day on the slopes, you haven't skied for a while or you are at a sticking point with parts of your technique. Time with an instructor will be invaluable for all levels.

- Confidence level - Your skiing may be no holds barred or you may want your hand holding. We have different instructors in mind to both inspire the hardcore skier or calm and encourage the nervous skier.

- Time you may want to commit - You can have short one on one private lessons, or a week long course with a group of similar standard skiers. Both will give great results and you may make some friends along the way.

- Price point - There can be a difference in pricing across different Ski Schools, for the ones which we recommend, none are over-priced. You will be paying for the experience of the instructor, the quality of their teaching and the attention that they are able to give.

- Location - Some of our guests spend their week skiing in Meribel, and some of their week in the rest of the Three Valleys. We suggest considering where your lessons are held to ensure that you all get the best from your week's skiing.


we work with the following ski schools in the three valleys:

BASS (British Alpine Ski & Snowboard School):

ESF (Ecole du Ski Francais):


Parallel Lines:

Snow D'Light:

Supreme Ski:

The Development Centre: